Apr. 27, 1252

Decree, issued by Conrad von Hochstaden, Archbishop of Cologne [Present-day Germany]: “Whereas the Jews, as We Ourselves believe, must live in hope of being protected, and that the effects of divine grace may be beneficial to them, be it known that We hereby award them Our protection, here in the City of Cologne, which they may enter and settle down in, for a term of two years, in exchange for either servitude, or a tribute paid twice a year on the feast of St. John the Baptist and on Christmas Day, and that they shall not negotiate this, under any circumstances, through anybody, be it an advocate, an assembly, or anyone else.”
Weyden, Ernst. Geschichte der Juden in Köln am Rhein von den Römerzeiten bis auf die Gegenwart nebst Noten und Urkunden (History of the Jews in Cologne on Rhine from Roman Times to the Present, accompanied by Notes and Documents). DuMont-Schauberg: Cologne, 1867. Page 353. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/16/2020