ca. 1274

“Diocesan Synod of 1274/75” Issued by Archbishop Werner von Eppstein of Mainz/Mayence [Electorate of Mainz; Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “[…] with the highest authority, it has been decided that Jews are not allowed to hold Christians subjects (servants) in their homes under the pretext of feeding their children (wet-nurses), either in this service or any other reason. […] Christians who presume to live with those (Jews) are to be excommunicated, because through the constant interaction and constant familiarity, they (Jews) can easily divert the spirit of the simple Christian to their abiding unbelief, or their accursed intemperance. Therefore, we decide that within two months of this publication of this statute, all Christians of our churches who life in the houses of Jews under whatever pretext will be removed from these houses to never return there. All Christians who violate this [decision] are to be excommunicated […] and all other Christians are to avoid dealing and trading with those Jews who are audacious enough to keep Christians in their homes.” [Researcher’s note: The text of the Synod contains no date. It is clear, however, that it falls into the reign of Werner von Eppstein (1259-1284) and processes mainly the provisions of the Second Lugdunese (1274). Therefore, it must have been issued sometime between 1274 and 1284.  Because the resolutions of the Lugdunense were adopted mainly in the Synod and not in the later issued revisions, Johanek and Ungar date the Synod of Mainz/Mayence to be somewhere around 1274/1275 (thus, immediately after the Council of Lyon).]
Medieval Ashkenaz: Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im Spätmittlealterlichen Reich; Synoden und Konzilien 1, Nr. 1 (“Corpus of the Sources on the History of Jews in the Late Middles Ages; Synods and Councils 1, No. 1”). Researched and Translated on 2/16/2017