ca. 1280

Statutes of the Council of Poitiers (1280) [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “VI. No Christian nurses may serve within the homes of Jews on pain of a fine of 50 solidi, three quarters of which is to be donated to the poor. To make it more difficult to lend at usury, no cleric may write or seal loan contracts for Jews. Christians are not to lend to Jews at interest. Christians are not to partake of Jewish foods or medicines, nor are they to take money at usury from Jews, except in cases of necessity, and in the presence of witnesses. Otherwise, they will pay a fine of 50 solidi, three quarters of which will be donated to the poor.”
Grayzel, Solomon. The Church and the Jews in the XIIIth Century, Volume II (1254-1315). The Jewish Theological Seminary of America: New York, 1989. Page 252. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 11/20/2019