Mar. 5, 1308

Writ of Albert I [Present-day Germany]: “Albert I consents to (affirms) Archbishop Peter of Mainz pledging 100 Mark of the annual [tax] revenues of Jews in Frankfurt to the nobleman [Duke] Siegfried (‘Sifrid’) von Eppstein.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Latin text which can be found in Boehmer’s Codex Diplimaticus Moenofrancofurtanus (Volume I).]
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. (Regesta regarding the history of Jews in Germany during the Middle Ages. Edited by M[eir] Wiener, PhD. First Part.); (Hannover; 1862); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/7/2020