Feb. 15, 1331

“Pledging of Jews” (“Juden Versatzung”) issued by Emperor Louis IV (Kaiser Ludwig der Bayer) [Present-day France; Territorial Estate of the Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] We pledge the Jews of the Upper and Lower [part of] Rappoltsweiter (Ober- und Nieder-Rappoltsweiler) with all the related rights, for 400 Silver Mark to the noble[man] Johansen von Rappoldstein […], as a thank you, for his previous and future faithful service to the kingdom (des Reiches), until the above said sum has been repaid to him or his heirs.” [Researcher’s note: Document is issued and signed in Nuremberg. On the same day, Louis IV also pawns off the Jews of Colmar to Johansen von Rappoldstein for a significantly higher sum. A later order (issued on 3/26/1331) repeats this order and – in addition – request that the officials and bailiffs (Amtsleute, Landvögten, Vögent) and those faithful to the kingdom/empire are not to hinder Johann von Rappoltstein in the exercise of this right conferred upon him, but to rather assist him if necessary.]
München, BHStA, Rappoltsteiner Urk. 17, Orig. (A), dt., Perg.; Colmar, AD, E 500 (zwei Abschr., ausgeh. 15. oder frühes 16. Jh. [B, C]; ebda. sieben frz. Übers. aus dem 18. Jh.); Colmar, AD, 19 J 16/30 (beglaubigte frz. Übers. vom 15. März 1703); Colmar, AD, E 1624/1 (frz. Übers., 18. Jh.); (“Munich, Bavarian Main State Archive, Rappoltstein (Ribeauville) Document/Certificate 17, Original (A), German, [on] Parchment Paper; Colmar, AD, E 500 (two Transcripts, following 15th or early 16th Cent. [B, C]; ibid seven French translation from the 18th Cent.); Colmar, AD, 19th C 16/30 (certified French translation from March 15, 1703), Colmar, AD, E 1624/1 (French translation, 18th Cent.)”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/16/2017