Oct. 26, 1334

“Official Document of Strasbourg” (“Straßburger Offizial”) issued by the Curia of Strasbourg [Present-day France; Free Imperial City of Strasbourg]: “[…] the Jewish community of Strasbourg and their heirs and successors have committed themselves […] to comply with the following provisions of this document to the masters (Meister), city councils and citizens of (the city of) Strasbourg: 1) that they will never attack the city of Strasbourg, its citizens or their possessions for the purpose of collecting a debt or a promissory note which they [the Jews] have received any citizen – before they have made their claims – successfully and without cunning – in the courts (of Strasbourg) […]. The Jews may not – either alone or in partnership with others – offer any loans to citizens of either sex so long they have not complied with the above mentioned provisions […]. Moreover, if any Jew or Jewess arrives in Strasbourg who is not a citizen of the city, and one who wants to loan money to a citizen of Strasbourg, the latter agrees to report him/her to one of the three city masters ([Stett-Meister)] on the same day of their arrival. They are also not permitted to provide him/her with any help to lend money to any citizen of Strasbourg in any way, until he/she has agreed to comply with all of the above [provisions]. Anyone who finds out that someone prefers to enter into such a loan contract nevertheless must report him [to the authorities] on the same day. All Jews […] have agreed to comply with the prescribed obligations and articles through an oath sworn on the Torah. […]”
Strasbourg, AM, CH 968, Orig., lat. und dt., Perg. (“Strasbourg, AM, CH 968, Original, Latin and German, [on] Parchment Paper”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/16/2017