Feb. 5, 1401

Writ of King Rupert [Present-day Germany]: “King Rupert (‘Ruprecht’) pawns off to Count Johann von Wertheim the castles in Neuenburg on the Härtsfeld (‘Nuwburg uff dem Hartemfelde’) and the escort[-fees], [customs-]tolls, coins, and the Jews.” [Researcher’s note: A copy of the original hand-written document can be found in the Austrian online database www.archivinformationssystem.at]
Regesta Imperii. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz. (Academy of Sciences and Literature of Mainz). [Regg. Pfalzgrafen 2] Ruprecht (Rupert) I. (1400-1410); (www.regesta-imperii.de); Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/17/2020