Aug. 17, 1692

“Edict” issued by Eberhard von Danckelmann on behalf of the Prince-Elector* of Brandenburg[-Bayreuth] [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg-Bayreuth]: “Since complaints have reached his Highness, the Prince-Elector of Brandenburg […] our gracious Lord […] that the highly damaging and already prohibited peddling of Jews on the countryside and in the cities remains unheeded – despite all issued prohibitions/inhibitions […] and that Jews themselves as well as their servants often drive around on the countryside with their merchandize – which drastically reduces commerce between the cities and villages and even destroys it altogether […]. [That is why, as per His Highest Prince-Elector’s [order…] such peddling shall not be permitted under any circumstances, but rather, that as per the issued gracious ordinance, [such peddling] be entirely abolished in the future or [violators shall] be subject to the loss of [their] horses, wagons, and merchandize, as well as [subject to] other earnest punishments. […].” [Researcher’s note: Prince-Elector George William/Georg Wilhelm. Eberhard von Danckelmann was the Prime Minister of Brandenburg-Prussia from 1692-97.]
Der Preussische Staat und die Juden, Erster Teil / Die Zeit des Großen Kurfürsten und Friedrichts I. Zweite Abteilung: Akten von Selma Stern.(“The Prussian State and the Jews, First Part / The time of the Great Prince-Elector and Fredrick’s I.  Second devision: Documents/Writs by Selma Stern”); (Tübingen; 1962); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/27/2019