Aug. 2, 1698

“Renewal of Conclusion”* of the Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “I. […] Jews are prohibited to peddle or face a fine of 12 Gulden [per offense …*] II. […] Jews are not to approach/bother foreigners with their merchandise and clothes (for sale) or face a fine of 6 Gulden […*].  III. […] Jews are not to have more than six sale/stalls, and they cannot be accessed (seen) from the streets/open to the street [… or a fine of 24 is to be imposed…]. Jews may no longer trade with gold, silver, except ones that are deemed real [as per old Roman standard …] nor export such […].”  [Researcher’s note: *Exceptions are made. The above text has been summarized and abbreviated to fit the allocated space. It can be found in its entirely in the cited source.]
Sammlung der Verordnungen der Reichsstadt Frankfurt von Johnn Conradin Beyerbach. Vierter Theil. Commerciengesetze (Collection of ordinance of the Imperial City of Frankfurt. Part four. Commercial Laws); (Frankfurt am Main; 1798); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/1/2020