Nov. 2, 1706

General Rescript, issued by Eberhard Louis, Duke of Württemberg [Present-day Germany]: “Since for quite some time now, we have perceived a general lack of living up to the letter and spirit of several regulations, given, among others, in the years 1530, 1532, 1541, 1548, 1550 and 1551, and containing a complete prohibition for Jews to enter into any contracts with Christians, it appears now as if these laws, by custom to the contrary, have almost been, in fact, abolished, to the point where Our subjects, as well as the Jews, may think it proper to engage in unbridled trade with one another. However, such an abrogation or abolition of existing law has never been Our intention, and thus, We find it necessary to raise the content of these statutes back up to their proper validity and force. We hereby renew and proclaim, that from now on, none of Our subjects shall be allowed to borrow anything from Jews, to work with them, or to enter into any contract with them, be it usurious or not, except for what transpires in the public markets, and that all of the prescribed punishments shall be inflicted on contravening offenders without mercy.”
Riecke, Christian H. Sammlung der württembergischen Gesetze (Collection of the Laws of Württemberg). L.F. Fues: Tübingen, 1835. Vol. 6. Page 229. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 7/19/2020