Jul. 11, 1716

“Writ” of the State government (Chancellor and City Council) [Present-day Germany]: “A home-purchased by Jews as loan-carrier/borrower is against the state constitution, because even in the cases where a loan-carrier/borrower is legally permitted – such as for officers and women – they do not constitute ownership.”
Lehmann, Emil: Der polnische Resident Berend Lehmann, der Stammvater der israelitischen Religionsgemeinde zu Dresden. Von seinem Ur- Ur- Urenkel. (E. Pierson) Dresden 1885. Abgedruckt in: Emil Lehmann, Gesammelte Schriften. (The Polish resident Berend Lehmann, the progenitor of the Israeli religious community in Dresden. From his great-great-great-grandson. (E. Pierson); (Dresden; 1885). Printed in Emil Ehemann, Collected Writings); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/13/2020