Aug. 1, 1722

“Edict” issued for the City of Kaliningrad (‘Königsberg’) [Present-day Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]:“[…] in the future, Polish and German Jews are no longer to be permitted to enter the city [Kaliningrad] and the kingdom and to import [distilled] spirits (‘Branntwein’) and other merchandize. All Jews in the land/domain who hold such items are to be removed/expelled by the 20th of this month […] Such Jewish items and merchandize, if encountered or found to have been imported by them, shall be confiscated […].”
Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums. Achter Jahrgang (Monthly periodical regarding the history and science of Judaism. Eighth annual edition.); (Leipzig; 1859)); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/20/2020