Aug. 7, 1773

Rescript, issued by Emmerich Joseph von Breidbach zu Bürresheim, Archbishop of Mainz [Present-day Germany]: “Regarding the local Jewry and their walks on Sundays and holidays, it is hereby ordered that on those days, Jews shall be prohibited from frequently walking to and fro all across the city, as well as across the bridges and public walkways. However, those departing from the city, as well as those in need of a doctor, barber or pharmacy shall be allowed to come and go, as needed for that purpose.”
Schaab, Carl Anton. Diplomatische Geschichte der Juden zu Mainz und dessen Umgebung, mit Berücksichtigung ihres Rechtszustandes in den verschiedenen Epochen (Diplomatic History of the Jews in Mainz and its surroundings, under consideration of their legal situation across the various epochs). Zabern: Mainz, 1855. Page 402. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/6/2020