Jan. 8, 1780

“Special Order” issued by Frederick, King of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[We] Frederick, King of Prussia by the grace of God, [… have noticed] that horse traders, especially those among Jews, finance (as a loan) the payment that is due when they sell horses to [our] subjects in the Duchy of Magdeburg and the Principality of Halberstadt in return for considerable amount of grain and other products and verbally promise all sorts of debt reduction […] so that with time, the owner’s debts have increased to such an extent that he cannot repay the loan at all or only to the detriment of his circumstances or his complete ruin. So in order to control this evil [practice], it is ordered and determined herewith: 1) that in the future, any horse trade between Christians and Jews […], if they are not paid off fully in cash, are to occur in front of the proper court-authorities who are not to take more than six Groschen [currency] as court-fees […] however, if the seller refrains from doing this, […] he shall not be entitled to any claims. 2) No promise of grain or other products beyond the loaned cash shall be valid. […]”
Sammlung Preußischer Gesetze und Verordnungen welche auf die allgemeine Deposital-, Hypotheken, Gerichts-, Criminal- und Städte-Ordnung, and das allgemeine Landrecht, auf den Anhang zum allgemeinen Landrechte und zur allgemeinen Gerichtsordnung, and die landschaftlichen Credit-Reglements und auf Provinzial- und Statutar-Rechte Bezug haben, nach der Zeitfolge geordnet von Carl Ludwig Heinrich Rabe, Domainen-Cammer-Director Sr. königlichen Hoheit des Prinzen August von Preußen des St. Johanniter-Ordens der ehemaligen Ballet Brandenburg Regierungs-Rath, Erb- und Gerichtsherr auf Carmzow, Stahmehl, Hedwigsdorff und Friedeberg. Erster Band. Sechste Abtheilung. Enthaltend die Jahre 1774 bis 1781. (Collection of Prussian laws and ordinances which pertain to the general depository, mortgage, legal, criminal, and city regulations, and general land laws, (all the way) to the appendix to the common local/land laws and general court ordinances, and the credit regulations regarding farmers/agriculture as well as provincial and statutes, listed chronologically by Carl Ludwig Heinrich Rabe, Director of Domain Chamber of His royal majesty, Prince August of Prussia of the St. Johanniter-Order of the Ballot of Brandenburg, governmental council, Heritage/Heir Court-Judge for Carmzow, Strahmehl, Hedwigshoff und Friedeberg. First Volume. Sixth Division. Includes the years 1774 to 1781.); (Halle; 1822); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/3/2019