May 27, 1782

“Regulations for those of the Jewish Nation,” issued by the Royal Commerce Department of the Kingdom of Sweden [Present-day Sweden]: “§1 – Any foreign Jew must promptly, and at the latest within eight days after arriving in the Kingdom, report to the King’s local authority at the first place of arrival, and submit his passport and letter of recommendation by the Jewish elder of his home village, certified by the relevant Magistrate. If any Jew arrives in the Kingdom, either without a passport or proof of wealth, or if such proof is unreliable, the King’s officers shall expel him from the Kingdom immediately. §2 – Whenever a Jew arrives in a privileged city [i.e., Stockholm, Gothenburg or Norrkoping], he shall, within six weeks after arriving, inform the Magistrate whether he was going there or to another privileged city to settle down, or whether he will leave the kingdom again. §15 – Butchery, brewery, bread and sugar bakery may be performed by Jews only for the needs of other Jews, but not for anyone else’s. If anyone violates this, the fine for the first contravention is ten, the second time 20 imperial thalers [Riksdaler], and the third time, the Jew loses his business and his Letter of Protection. §16 – Jews are also prohibited from dealing in any goods made of gold or silver. §20 – In the countryside, Jews are not allowed to travel around and trade, under penalty of fifty imperial thalers. §23 – The Jews may, in this Land, enter into marriages only with their co-religionists, but not with any others.” [Researcher’s note: In 1782, Jews in Sweden were only allowed to live in three “privileged cities” — Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Norrkoping.]
Valentin, Hugo. Judarnas historia i Sverige (History of the Jews in Sweden) Bonnier: Stockholm, 1924. Page 18. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 4/30/2020