Nov. 26, 1783

Order, issued by Christian VII, King of Denmark and Norway [Present-day Denmark, Norway]: “Regarding Jews who wander about without proper permission, reside in Copenhagen or in the countryside without proper passport and legitimization: foreign Jews and Jewesses who cannot prove that they came to Copenhagen legally, must pay without delay and without appeal, to the Chief of Police, instead of the [previously established] punishment of 1,000 imperial thalers, a fine they can pay, as the case may be, and in the absence of any payment, work for some time, the men at the rasp house and the women at the nursery, and, soon after having paid the fine or worked off their punishment, are to be sent out of the country, either at their own expense or the nation’s. The elders of the Jewish nation shall publicize this order twice a year, by way of reading and proclaiming it in their respective synagogues.” [Researcher’s note: A “rasp house” was a correctional facility formerly in use in Northern Europe, whose prisoners rasped wood to powder for dyeing.]
Cohen, Asser Daniel. De Mosaiske troesbekjenderes stilling i Danmark forhen og nu: historisk fremstillet i et tidsløb af naesten 200 aar, tilligemed alle lovsteder og offentlige foranstaltninger dem angaande, som ere udkomne fra 1651 til 1836. (The position of the Mosaic believers in Denmark, before and now: historically produced over a period of nearly 200 years, as well as all laws and public measures relating to the same which were published from 1651 to 1836). Forfatterens: Odense (Denmark), 1837. Page 36. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 5/18/2020