Nov. 26, 1784

“Publication/Order” issued by the [City] Council of Riga [Present-day Latvia]: “[It has come to the attention of the (City) Council that residents in the suburbs are offering accommodations to Jews against previously issued ordinances instead of referring them to the Jewish-hostel … ]. That is why the highly-noble Council orders all the residents in the suburbs herewith again in all earnestness not welcome any arriving and departing Jews in their homes or to offer them any accommodation under any circumstances, but to rather refer them to the Jewish-hostel […] and those who violate this order of the authorities, and are caught, shall be fined 100 Rthlr [Reichsthaler] as per §4 of the Jewish-ordinance without exception […]”
Buchholz, Anton: Geschichte der Juden in Riga bis zur Begründung der Rigischen Hebräergemeinde im J. 1842. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. (History of the Jews in Riga until the foundation of the Hebrew community of Riga in the year 1842. Published by the Society for History and Antiquity of the Baltic-See provinces of Russia.); (Riga; 1899); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/5/2020