Jul. 26, 1799

Rescript, issued by the Danish Chancellery to the Magistrate at Copenhagen [Present-day Denmark]: “Regarding a synagogue for the German Jewish congregation, as a private building, and the elimination of all other synagogues in this city: The aforementioned synagogue, which has been destroyed by the fire which passed through the city in the year 1795, may be built up again, larger than the previous one, but built directly on the ground, same as other churches; however, the drawings for this new synagogue, like any other new building in the city, shall be submitted to the City Commander’s judgment and approval before commencing; and, like the previous, burned one, it shall be regarded in every respect as a private building, and as such be subject to equal terms and burdens as others in the city; moreover, as soon as this public synagogue is finished, so that worship may be held therein, all private synagogues in Copenhagen shall cease to exist.” [Researcher’s note: In 17th- and 18th-century Denmark, Ashkenazi Jews were known as “German Jews,” while Sephardi Jews were referred to as “Portuguese Jews.” For information on the differences between the two, see “Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,” chabad.org, by Menachem Posner.]
Cohen, Asser Daniel. De Mosaiske troesbekjenderes stilling i Danmark forhen og nu: historisk fremstillet i et tidsløb af naesten 200 aar, tilligemed alle lovsteder og offentlige foranstaltninger dem angaande, som ere udkomne fra 1651 til 1836. (The position of the Mosaic believers in Denmark, before and now: historically produced over a period of nearly 200 years, as well as all laws and public measures relating to the same which were published from 1651 to 1836). Forfatterens: Odense (Denmark), 1837. Page 173. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 6/14/2020