May 21, 1811

“Law on Jewish Burials,” issued by Frederick VI, King of Denmark and Norway, to the Jewish Community of Copenhagen [Present-day Denmark]: “Art. 11 – No member of the funeral procession shall have any contact with the corpse itself, whereas it is the duty of the casket bearers to wash, dress and carry the corpse, etc., as instructed by the funeral director. Art. 12 – As soon as all persons belonging to the funeral procession have gathered, the funeral procession will take place in the following order: first, the hearse; following it, the casket bearers; then, the family members in deep grief; then, the funeral director, and finally, the rest. For every corpse, unless otherwise decreed, there shall be 2 to 6 casket bearers, who shall be wearing black clothes. Art. 15 – It shall be left to those in deep sorrow, to wear black or other clothes; however, in the latter case, they shall wear the usual mourning-robe. Art. 20 – Every [new] grave shall be located close to the most recently deceased member of the congregation.”
Cohen, Asser Daniel. De Mosaiske troesbekjenderes stilling i Danmark forhen og nu: historisk fremstillet i et tidsløb af naesten 200 aar, tilligemed alle lovsteder og offentlige foranstaltninger dem angaande, som ere udkomne fra 1651 til 1836. (The position of the Mosaic believers in Denmark, before and now: historically produced over a period of nearly 200 years, as well as all laws and public measures relating to the same which were published from 1651 to 1836). Forfatterens: Odense (Denmark), 1837. Page 429. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 7/3/2020