Mar. 5, 1812

Jew-Tax Ordinance, issued by Frederick I, King of Württemberg [Present-day Germany]: “1. The fees charged to Jews for their reception into the state’s protection shall benefit only the national treasury.  […] 5. Protected Jews pay reception fees as follows: domestic sons of Jews, 15 guilders; foreign sons of Jews, 50 guilders; foreign Jewesses, 25 guilders […] 10. The annual protection tax is: for city Jews, 12 guilders; for village Jews, 6 guilders. […] 17. A protected Jew may only move to another town with permission from the highest authority; in such a case, the tax authorities of the new place of residence shall be notified, so that they may ensure continued payments of the annual protection tax.”
Reyscher, August Ludwig (ed.). Vollständige, historisch und kritisch bearbeitete Sammlung der württembergischen Gesetze (Complete, Historically and Critically Edited Collection of Wurttemberg Laws). Vol. 17. Fues: Tübingen, 1839. Page 993. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/4/2020