Jul. 29, 1813

“Ordinance” issued by the Livonian government (‘Gouvernementsregierung’) [Present-day Latvia]: “Ordinance, which all Jews who are present or arrive in the government-city Riga are to comply with. […] 3) Those Jews/Hebrews who have been registered as part of the merchants-community or those who are kept there in order to contribute to the coronation-levies – who are obliged to remain in the area of Sloka (‘Schlocken’) – are considered arriving Hebrews/Jews. And must, therefore, comply with the local ordinances […] The police-authorities are to keep a watchful eye that no new Jews/Hebrews from Sloka establishes himself and settles here. […] 5) All these Jews/Hebrews may pursue their trade, art, and craftsmanship […] only to the extent to which they have been authorized by imperial laws. […] 8) All arriving Jews/Hebrews must find accommodation in the [Jewish-]hostel [exceptions are made]. 13) […] Arriving Jews/Hebrews must first report to the appropriate local authorities […]” [Researcher’s note: The above ordinance contains 14 points and is several pages long and has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space. It can be found in its entirety in the cited source. The document is signed by General Adjutant Marquis Paulucci. J. Du Hamel, Civil-Governor. G. Von Rickmann, and Carl Dahl, Government-Councils. Secretary Hehn.]
Buchholz, Anton: Geschichte der Juden in Riga bis zur Begründung der Rigischen Hebräergemeinde im J. 1842. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. (History of the Jews in Riga until the foundation of the Hebrew community of Riga in the year 1842. Published by the Society for History and Antiquity of the Baltic-See provinces of Russia.); (Riga; 1899); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/6/2020