Dec. 28, 1817

Ordinance, issued by the government of Austria [Present-day Austria]: “Widows of such Jews who were awarded their letter of tolerance after May 9, 1807, shall, unless they continue the business of the deceased, remove themselves from the roster of Jewish families. At the same time, it is to be investigated whether the widow could not be made to take the children with her, instead of leaving them with the oldest son or brother who is continuing the fatherly tolerance, since otherwise, when he should get married, a single family of Israelites would grow too much.”
Fauller, Chrysostomus. Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich: Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung zusammengestellt, mit vorzüglicher Rücksicht auf Nieder-Oesterreich, Zweiter Band (Laws, Ordinances and Regulations for the Administration of Police in the Austrian Empire: Published in the Years 1740 Until the End of 1825, and Compiled in Chronological Order, Under Excellent Consideration of Lower Austria, Volume Two). Geistinger: Vienna, 1828. Page 361. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 3/9/2020