Apr. 6, 1818

Decision/Writ of Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria [Present-day Germany]: “We [Maximilian Joseph] have decided in regards to the French decree from March 17, 1808, regarding the circumstances of Jews […] that the aforementioned decree is to remain in effect in the area of the Rhine (‘im Rheinkreise’) until general and comprehensive provisions have been issued […]. The current regulation is to be made public in these areas/districts […]” [Researcher’s note: Please see the Infamous Decree of Napoleon from March 17, 1808, in this project.]
Die fünf französischen Gesetzbücher in Deutscher Sprache nach den besten Übersetzungen. (The five French law-books in the German language according to the best translations.); (Zweibrücken; 1827); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/31/2020