Decree, issued by the Ministries of Justice and the Interior of the Kingdom of Württemberg [Present-day Germany]: “Whereas doubts have arisen as to how the long-standing prohibition, renewed by Art. 28 of the law of April 25, 1828, against the purchase and re-sale of real estate by Israelite co-religionists, relates to the pertinent sections of the law regarding the legal standing of creditors in foreclosure proceedings, and how this may inform the treatment of cases in which third parties may attempt to circumvent said prohibition through acquisition of claims in the course of such proceedings, the Royal Ministries of Justice and the Interior fell compelled, in order to dispel these doubts, to issue the following clarifications, for the benefit and guidance of all county governments and municipal assemblies: (1) According to the unambiguous intention of the law, Israelites who acquire claims with the intention of circumventing said prohibition, so that they may have standing as litigants during foreclosure or bankruptcy proceedings, thus making them de facto resellers, may not claim the exception the law makes only for creditors who find themselves into such proceedings unexpectedly. (2) Accordingly, this legal exception only applies, if the Israelite in question buys real estate with the sole intention to have his genuine claim as a creditor satisfied, or to minimize his loss in this capacity. […] (3) The question whether it can be assumed that the Israelite had the intention of circumventing the law, as mentioned in Section 1, shall be answered according to the particulars of each case.”
Mayer, F.F. (ed.). Sammlung der württembergischen Gesetze in Betreff der Israeliten (Collection of Württembergian Laws Regarding the Israelites). Fues: Tübingen, 1847. Page 66. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/19/2020