Sept. 21, 1838

Ordinance, issued by Charles XIV John, King of Sweden [Present-day Sweden]: “1. Should a Mosaic co-religionist wish to establish himself anywhere other than Stockholm, Gothenburg, Norrköping or Karlskrona, he shall petition Us to that end, detailing the nature of the intended establishment, after which We will consult with the pertinent citizen groups and government agencies, before deciding on whether or not to give Our consent. 2. Mosaic co-religionists who are in the empire only temporary, with our permission, may only settle in in the four specified cities. 3. If a Mosaic co-religionist applies for permission to work in a trade or similar business, the licensing authority shall review all formal qualifications [of the Jew] for the trade, but not before consulting with the appropriate trade association.” [Researcher’s note: Section 3 effectively excluded Jews from all tradesmanship, since the trade associations of the time were strongly opposed to allowing any Jews in their professions.]
Jost, Isaak Markus. Geschichte der Israeliten seit der Zeit der Maccabäer bis auf unsre Tage: Neuere Geschichte der Israeliten von 1815 bis 1845; 2. Die Staaten und Länder außer Deutschland: mit Nachträgen und Berichtigungen zur älteren Geschichte, Band 10, Teil 2 (History of the Israelites from the time of the Maccabees to our present days: Recent history of the Israelites from 1815 until 1845; 2. The states and and countries other than Germany: with appendices and corrections of older history, Vol. 10, Part 2). Schlesinger: Berlin, 1847. Page 25. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 5/2/2020