Feb. 14, 1839

“Royal Court Decree” (‘Hofdecret’) issued by the Royal Court Chancellery* [Kingdom of Bohemia, Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Due to a [specific] case, the r[oyal] i[mperial] Royal Court Chancellery (‘k. k. Hofkanzlei’) has issued the following instruction via a Royal Court decree from February 14: Though the [section] 51 of the Bohemian Jewish Patent of 1797 grants those Jews, who voluntarily devote themselves to military service, or engage in farming (‘Ackerbau’), or devote themselves to a properly learned craft [as recognized by the guilds] the advantages of the civil rights–including in matters relating to marriage- it does not permit them to establish a family-number, which are limited to a certain number in Bohemia** […]” [Researcher’s note: *This law was made public via a “Gubernatorial Decree” on March 8 of the same year. **The number of Jews allowed within a certain domain was often pre-fixed so that when Jews, who came of age and wanted to get married and create a family, had to either apply for and be granted their own family-number or leave the country.]
Allgemeine österreichische Gewebs-Gesetzkunde, oder systematische Darstellung der gesetzlichen Verfassung der Manufacturs- und Handelsgewerbe in den deutschen, böhmischen, galizischen, italienischen und ungarischen Provinzen des österreichischen Kaiserstaates. Von W. Gustav Kopetz, Doctor der Rechte, k. k. ordentlich. öffentl. Professor der politischen Wissenschaften und der österreichischen politischen Gesetzkunde an der Universität zu Prag, wirklichem Mitglied der k. k. patriotische-ökonomischen Gesellschaft und des pomologischen Vereines im Königreich Böhmen. Zweiter Band. (Wien; 1830); (General Austrian Legal Common Business Law or systematic representation of the legal constitution for manufacturing and trade in the German, Bohemian, Galician, Italian and Hungarian provinces of the Austrian Empire. By W. Gustav Kopetz, Ph.d. in Law [and] proper r[oyal] i[mperial] public professor of political sciences and Austrian political law at the University of Prague [and a] real member of the r[oyal] i[mperial] patriotic-economic society and the pomological association in the Kingdom of Bohemia.); (Vienna; 1830); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/19/2018