Sept. 11, 1882

Order issued by the First International Congress [Germany]: “The meeting recognizes the increase of the Jewish national element and the Jewish influence on our entire national and state affairs as a serious and imminent danger to the moral and economic survival of the German people. In order to break this influence and to eliminate the evils and danger inevitably resulting from it, it deems the following measures absolutely imperative: I. The immigration of the Jews, particularly from the East, has to be prevented. …III. As long as the Jews persist in their isolation and form a nation within the nation, as it were, they ought to be regarded merely as foreigners who are accorded the right to hospitality. Consequently, their civil rights should be restricted in such a way that they can neither participate in legislation nor attain any authoritative offices, namely the office of judge. IV. The Jews are to be exempted from military service, but in lieu of service have to pay a tax in the form of a capitation or military fee. Signed C. Baron von Thungen-Rossbach Baron von Fechenbach-Laudenbach.”
“Manifesto to the Governments and Peoples of the Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism”: The First Anti-Jewish Congress in Dresden (September 11-12, 1882).” Erwin Fink. Page 9-10, Accessed online 9/29/2011