Dec. 4, 1940

Decree No. 3984 issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “I. Decree-Law Relative To The Status Of Military Evreilor5 Article 1. Jews, …Decree-Law of August 9, 1940, regarding the legal status of the Hebrew people in Romania, …are excluded from military service. They are obliged to pay the fees settled by military law, …Article 2. Are also required, to pay military taxes and Jews who, because of physical, would be found unfit for military service, according to article. 25 of the law on military recruitment, and those excluded from military service, …Article 8. Concentrations during prolonged mobilization or war, Jews can be used in military or labor service of public interest. Professionals with degrees (doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, engineers, architects, etc..) Will be used, according to their specialty or training, as requisitioned and paid a per diem that is fixed by ministerial decision. …Article 10. Jews are excluded also from pre-military training, being forced instead to pay during the three years (from 18 years to 21 years) the fee provided for in law premilitary the Hebrew military taxes. …Article 14. Jews in the territory of enterprises provided for mobilization can be requisitioned for work is exempt work of public interest, …During requisition for work, they will continue to pay taxes under the law on military taxes Hebrew…Given in Bucharest on December 4, 1940. Head of the Romanian State and President of the Council of Ministers, General Ion Antonescu, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, G. Michael A. Antonescu Cretzianu Secretary of State to Ministry of National Defense army, C. General Pantazi No. 3984…” [Editor’s note: Original webpage is in Romanian, Google translate was used on 8/8/2012 to change text to English.]
“Legi rasiale in regimul Ion Antonescu. Munca Obsteasca obligatory Arhivele Sfera Politicii.” [Laws racial regime of Ion Antonescu. Policy Scope Archives obligatory public organization work] Alexandru Florian, Accessed online 8/8/2012