The World’s Largest Searchable Database of Official Anti-Jewish Acts

Over 3,000 Official Anti-Jewish Acts from October 18, 315 C.E. to February 14, 1968.

OAJA Acts (Acts) are defined as Laws that were anti-Jewish on their face (and sometimes against other groups as well); were passed or declared by officials, such as governments, militaries and churches, proclamations, church canons, bulls, patents, ordinances, and final court decisions (such as those on the level of a country’s Supreme Court).

Each Act includes: 1. The Act’s full date (month/day/year); 2. Name of Act; 3. Act’s Country of Origin/Area; 4. Text of Act; 5. Source; 6. Researcher; 7. Year of Research; 8. Researcher/Editor’s Note (optional).

Additional Acts are being added from time-to-time.

The link “Unconfirmed Acts” goes to Acts that are incomplete and need further research to confirm.

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Official Anti-Jewish Acts