Official Anti-Jewish Acts: Welcome to the World’s Largest Searchable Database of over 2,500 Official Anti-Jewish Acts (OAJA) from Oct. 18, 315 C.E., to Feb. 14, 1968.


OAJA Acts are defined as Laws that were anti-Jewish on their face (and sometimes against other groups as well); were passed or declared by officials, such as governments, militaries and churches, proclamations, church canons, bulls, patents, ordinances, and final court decisions (such as those on the level of a country’s Supreme Court); and include: 1. Full Date of Act (month/day/year); 2. Name of Act; 3. Act’s Country of Origin/Area; 4. Text of Act; 5. Source; 6. Researcher; 7. Year of Research; 8. Editor’s Note (optional).

Additional Official Anti-Jewish Acts are being added from time-to-time, as they are found, translated, and formatted; those Acts incomplete are noted in red as Possible/Probable for further research.

To Search: Enter a search term and press enter.

(The Search feature returns any Act that contains any of your search terms. For example, for anything with the year 1920, type in “1920” and for a specific date, use the three-letter month format in quote marks “Jan. 1, 1940” (Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.) You may also use the “Search Suggestions” or Search for a specific category of Act in the “All Categories” dropdown boxes.)