ca. 132 C.E.

[Possible/Probable] 132 C.E. “Ban on Castration and Circumcision” Roman Emperor Hadrian (Hadrian was the Roman emperor from 117 to 138 CE. The Bar Kokhba Revolt was 132-136 C.E.) [Roman Empire] 


Commentary from other sources:
1) “At this time also the Jews began war, because they were forbidden to practice circumcision” (moverunt ea tempestate et Iudaei bellum, quod vetabantur mutilare genitalia).

Scriptores historiae Augustae: Hadrian 14.2, in The Scriptores Historiae Augustae, trans. David Magie, 3 vols. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979, 1:42–45; Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, “The Ban on Circumcision as a Cause of Bar Kokhba’s Rebellion,” Israel Law Rev., 1995, 29: 176–214)