May 29, 408

“Prohibition to Mock Christianity on Purim” Issued by Emperors Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Let the governors of the provinces prohibit the Jews from burning the effigy of Haman and maliciously setting afire images of the sacred cross fabricated in contempt of the Christian faith, in the special celebration of their festival to the memory of the punishment of Haman in bygone times; do this lest the Jews pollute the symbol of our faith with their jests, and look down upon the Christian law as inferior to their own rites, for they are in danger of losing what have so far been lawful privileges, unless they refrain from these unlawful activities.” [Editor’s note: Author’s footnote dates this law in 408 as Theodosian Code 16.8.18]
“The Persecution of the Jews in the Roman Empire (300-428).” James Everett Seaver. 1952, Page 69; Accessed online 8/2/2011 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE