ca. 461 C.E.

[Possible/Probable] “XII. Concerning the feasts of Jews” issued by the Council of Vannes [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “In the future, all clerics should avoid dining/feasting with Jews, nor are they to welcome them to a meal/feast. For they do not eat the common food of Christians, [and] it is shameful and sacrilegious for Christians to consume their food. Since the food that we eat, which the apostle approved, they consider unclean, if we accept what they (Jews) serve us and they hold that which we serve them in contempt, this could make the clerics seem inferior to Jews.”
Lee, A. D.: Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity. A sourcebook. (London/New York; 2000); Researched Ziba Shadjaani 5/22/2020