Nov. 1, 581

Canon 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 issued by Synod of Macon [France]: “…2. No cleric or layman, unless he is of proved virtue and of advanced age, may for any reason 3 enter a nunnery and have private converse with the nuns; and in general they must only come into the common room. Jews, in particular, must not have access to nunneries…13. Jews may not be judges or tax-gatherers over Christians. 14. From Thursday in Holy Week to the Easter festival, in accordance with an ordinance of the late King Childebert, Jews may not show themselves on streets and public places, because they have done so to insult Christians. Moreover, they must testify respect to all clerics, and must not sit down before priests, unless they are invited to do so. 15. No Christian may partake of meals with Jews under penalty of excommunication. 16. No Christian must henceforth be slave to a Jew; and if a Jew has a Christian slave, any Christian can purchase him for 12 soldi, either in order to set him free, or to employ him as his own slave. If the Jew is not contented, and hesitates to accept the sum defined, the Christian slave may live with Christians where he will. If, however, a Jew is convicted of having wanted to persuade a Christian slave to apostasy, he loses the slave and the right to make a will. 17. If anyone [referring the Jews] misguides, or seeks to misguide, another to false witness [referring to joining Jewish religion] or perjury, he is to be excommunicated for life. Those who agree with him in his perjury are dishonourable, and may not again offer evidence.”
“A History of the councils of the church, from the original documents. By the Right Rev. Charles Joseph Hefele.” Karl Joseph von Hefele. 1895, Page 403-405. Online book, Accessed online 10/8/2011 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE