ca. Sept. 593

[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Pope Gregory I [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Gregory to Ianuarius Bishop of Cagliari [September 593]…It has also come to our attention that slaves and bondwomen of Jews who escape to a church for reason of the faith are either returned to their infidel masters, or their price is given in order that they should be returned. We exhort you, therefore, that you shall never allow that any slave of Jews who would escape to the venerable places for cause of the faith should suffer any harm; but, whether previously Christian or one to be baptized now, he should be defended in his freedom in every way by the religious protection of the ecclesiastical piety, without harming the poor…Let your Fraternity devote such ingenuity in regard to all the said items, that it shall not be found neglecting the series of our admonition nor stand guilty of diminished pastoral zeal in God’s judgment.”
Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” Page 426