ca. 612

[Possible/Probable] “Anti-Jewish Policy” issued by Sisebut [Visigothic Empire; Present-day Spain, France] 

Commentary from other sources:
1) Between February and June 612 two laws were enacted – one was addressed specifically to certain bishops, priests and civil authorities in the south of the Peninsula (Lex Visigothorum 12, 2, 13) and another to the whole population in general (Lex Visigothorum 12, 2, 14) – that prohibited Jew having Christian slaves of maintaining patronage over those they had emancipated.  It decreed that converts to Judaism must return to Christianity, and mixed marriages were prohibited, imposing the Catholic faith on the Jewish partner in existing mixed marriages and any children born of them. Jewish proselytism was punishable by death and the offender’s property confiscated, even though the death penalty had been repealed by Reccard.  Such measures would have come into force by 1 July 612 and after that date any Jews that still had Christians slaves would be punished by confiscating half of their property, and the slaves would be freed. [Researcher’s note: According to Bronisch, the law was enacted sometime in June but would have come into effect on July 1, 612.  Original Latin text could possibly be found in Lex Visigothorum 12, 2, 14]

Bronisch, Alexander Pierre: Die Judengesetzgebung im katholischen Westgotenreich von Toledo (2007); (“Jewish Legislation in the Catholic Visigoth of Toledo”)