ca. 626

[Possible/Probable] Canon 13 issued by the Council of Clichy [France] [Provisional]: “[Canon 13] Christians shall not be sold to Jews and gentiles. If any of the Christians should choose, forced by necessity, to sell his Christian slaves, he shall sell them to none but Christians. For it they should sell them to pagans or Jews, they shall be withdrawn from the church’s communion and the purchase shall be invalid. As or the Jews, if they shall presume to draw Christian slaves to Judaism or if they should inflict on them harsh torments, those slaves to Judaism or if they should inflict on them harsh torments, those slaves shall be transferred to the fisc’s authority. These Jews shall not admitted to any public functions. The banquets of Jews should be utterly repudiated.”
Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” (1997) Page 480