Jul. 22, 1124

“Order” of Duke Vladislaus I of Bohemia [Duchy of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany]: “[…] In the future, no Christian may serve a Jew.” [Researcher’s note: According to the author of the cited source, this law was the result of the following occurrence: Jakob Apella, a Jew who had sizable wealth and influence on the Duke, had converted to Christianity (in part to please the duke) and had even built an altar in his home. Soon after his conversion, however, he regretted his decision and reverted back to Judaism. Jokob is said to have thrown away the altar and the religious artifacts in his home which so infuriated Vladislaus that he had him arrested, his wealth confiscated, and required 3,000 pounds of silver and 100 pounds of gold from Jacob’s (Jewish) friends in order not to execute him. Shortly after, Vladislaus issued the above order.]
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden im Fränkischen und Deutschen Reiche bis zu Jahre 1278. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Historischen Commission Für Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. Bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung von Albert Dresdner, Ludwig Lewinski und Julius Aronius. (Regesta on the History of the Jews in the Franconian and German Empires up until the year 1278. Published by the order of the Historical Commission for the History of Jews in German.  Edited by Albert Dresdner, Ludwig Lewinski, and Julius Aronius); (Berlin; 1902); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/10/2018 ADD PAGE #