ca. 1198

[Possible/Probable] Laws of the Church about the Jews, issued by the Catholic Church, ca. 1198 AD [Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “C. I.—If a slave, bought by a Jew, becomes or desires to become a Christian, for trading purposes, he is redeemed for 12 pence. C. II.—A Jew cannot have a Christian for a slave but he can for a churl. C. III.—Jews may keep their old synagogues, may not erect new ones. C. IV.—On Good Friday Jews may not keep their doors or windows open. C. V.— Christians ought to be excommunicated who serve Jews in their houses. And secular princes ought to be excommunicated who spoil baptized Jews of their goods. C. VII.—Jews may restore their synagogues to their former state, but may not build them up afresh. C. VIII.—Christians ought not to be in the family service of Jews. C. IX.—Jews are not to be baptized against their will nor forced to it, nor to be condemned without judgment, nor to be spoiled of their goods nor disturbed at their festivals, nor are their cemeteries to be molested or their bodies to be exhumed. C.XIII.—Jews ought not to have Christian nurses or servants, those doing contrary are to be interdicted from commerce with Christians. C. XIV.—A Jew who strikes a priest is punished by the temporal power, and, if he cannot be, he is interdicted from commerce with Christian men till he has given satisfaction for the injury.”
Catholic Church.  Corpus iuris canonici. (cc. 771-8). Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1959.Electronic reproduction. Vol 1-2. New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Libraries, 2007. Columbia University Libraries Electronic Books. 2006. Accessed online; Researched by Dominik Jacobs 5/19/2016