Sept. 6, 1209

Canon Laws, issued by the Council of Avignon [Present-day France]: “§2. Because all do not obey the Gospel, the secular sword is often asked by the Church to supplement the sword of the spirit. Therefore, we decree that each bishop shall (if the need should arise) use ecclesiastical discipline to compel his subjects, the counts, castellans, knights, and others of his parishioners whom he may see fit, to take an oath such as those of Montpellier have taken, especially with regard to the extermination of excommunicated heretics and to the punishing of such as remain hardened in their rebelliousness; also to deprive Jews of the administration of public and private affairs, and not to permit them at any time to have Christians in their homes as servants. §4. About the usury of Jews, the Council decreed as follows: that the Jews should be restrained from the exaction of usury by excommunicating those Christians who enter into commercial relations with them or deal with them in any other way, and that in accordance with the law of the Lord Pope Innocent III, the Jews be compelled to remit what they had gained through usury. We also prohibit them, and order that it be prohibited them by the bishops on pain of similar punishment, to presume to work in public on the Sundays or festivals. Nor shall they eat meat on days of abstinence.”
Grayzel, Solomon. Church And the Jews In the XIIIth Century: a Study of Their Relations During the Years 1198-1254, Based On the Papal Letters And the Conciliar Decrees of the Periods. The Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning: Philadelphia PA, 1933. P. 305. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/1/2019