Apr. 10, 1240

Ordinance of Ploërmel by the Jean, Duke of Brittany, Count of Richemond [France]: “To all those who present these letters will see, John, Duke of Brittany, Count of Richemont, hello. Know that we, at the request of the bishops, abbots, barons and vassals of Brittany, having carefully examined the interest of the country, we expel from Brittany all the Jews. Neither we nor our heirs will ever hold one on our lands in Brittany and we will not suffer any of our subjects to have on his own. All the debts contracted toward Jews established in Brittany, in whatever manner and for whatever reason, we deliver them entirely and we give them a receipt. All lands mortgaged to Jews, all movable or immovable pledges held by them will return to the debtors or their heirs, except lands and other pledges that would have been sold to Christians by judgment of this Court. No one will be accused or put on trial for killing a Jew. We will pray, we will engage in good faith and with all our power, Monseigneur the King of France, to confirm by his letters the present foundation or ordinance, and we vouch for our father and for ourselves that the debts contracted in Brittany towards the Jews do not will never be paid on the land of our father [….]. Finally, the bishops, the barons and all the vassals of our duchy have sworn and granted that they will never receive nor allow to receive Jews on their lands in Brittany.”
Claude Tocze, Annie Lambert: “Les Juifs En Bretagne, Ve-XXe siècles,” Chapter 1. (Jews in Brittany in the Middle Ages); Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Cristina Penland 3/25/2019 ADD PAGE #