ca. 1265

[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Decree” issued by Duke Henry [Margrave of Meissen; Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “(1) A Jew bringing an action against a Christian must produce as witnesses two Christians and one Jew, men of good repute. (2) A Christian bringing an action against a Jew must produce as witnesses two Jews and one Christian. (3) Any pledge may be taken without a witness. (4) A Jew who denies having received a pledge, and is subsequently found with it in his possession, is forced to surrender it, but is not punished. (5) Bail for a Jew is fixed at one gold mark for the imperial court, one gold mark for the margrave, one silver mark for the margrave’s chamberlain, and one pound of pepper for each of the lower judges.”
Joseph Jacobs, Schulim Ochser: Jewish Encyclopedia: Saxony; Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 12/10/2016