[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Pope Clement IV [Holy See] (Needs full date): “…the entire Talmud, together with its commentaries and additions, and all their [other] books represented freely to you and your subordinates by the Jews. Once the books have been presented, they can restore to the said Jews those which shall accord with the text of the Bible, as well as those concerning which there is no suspicion that they contain blasphemies and errors, or any falsity whatsoever. …We have heard with sorrow and now relate that the Jews of the Kingdom of Aragon, having neglected the Old Testament which the majesty of his creator conferred through his servant Moses, falsely pretend that the Lord handed down a certain other law or tradition which they call the Talmud. In its huge volume, which is said to be larger than the text of the Old and New Testaments are contained innumerable abuses and blasphemies against the Lord Jesus Christ and his most blessed mother.”
“Living Letters of the Law: Ideas of the Jew in Medieval Christianity.” Date researched by Ziba Shadjaani 2/2/2021; Online book, Accessed 10/1/2011; Jeremy Cohen. 1999, Page 331-332