May 12, 1267

“Canonical Laws” issued by the Viennese Church Council [Present-day Austria]: “Since the temerity of the Jews has greatly increased so that the purity of the Catholic faith has been sullied in [the minds] of many Christians, we determine […] that the Jews are to be distinguishable in their clothing from those of Christians […] and that the Jews who dwell in the district of pastors […] who would have otherwise enjoyed the contributions/income of the place if Christians had remained there, are to be forced to compensate them according to the decision of the Diocese […] also, they (Jews) are to pay [from the income] of their acres an entire tenth. Likewise, we prohibit all Christians in such provinces and the city of Prague and its diocese to take along Jews or Jewess to a meal or face punishment of excommunication, or to eat or drink with them, or to dance or jump (‘springen’) with them during their weddings, new-moon festivals, or games so that the Jews do not poison the Christians coincidentally (‘zufällig’) – whom they consider their enemies – with their deceptive machinations. […] They shall not argue/discuss with simpletons/simple people (‘Einfältigen’) the Catholic faith, nor hold back their sons and wives who turn to Christendom. […] They shall not visit sick Christians, or perform/practice medical procedures on them. […]  They shall not build new synagogues and if they have done so, they are to remove them; they may restore old ones; however, they may not make them taller or prettier.  […] We seriously admonish the princes themselves and their judges that they shall not protect the Jews in any way who want to disobey these [our] statutes; but that when they are assigned something by the prelates of the church, that they follow this obediently; in case they oppose [these statues] they shall know that they will be denied access to the church and participation in any sacred ceremonies. […]”
Engelman, Wilhelm: Das Judentum in Oesterrich und die böhmischen Unruhen (The Jewry in Austria and the bohemian Unrest); (Leipzig; 1845); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/27/2017