Jan. 15, 1271

“Writ” issued by Hartmann (of Dillingen), Bishop of Augsburg [Present-day Germany; Prince Bishopric of Augsburg]: “[We] Hartmann, by the grace of God, Bishop of the churches in Augsburg […] wish to bestow grace upon the Jews who live or come to live as loyal citizens in Augsburg [by extending their current rights for one year starting on Saint Martin’s Day …] for which they are to owe and deliver/pay to Us 10 pounds of Augsburger pennies on St. George’s Day (‘sank Jörgen tag’) […].”
Das Stadtbuch von Augsburg, insbesondere Stadtrecht vom Jahre 1276, nach der Originalhandschrift zum ersten Male herausgegeben und erläutert von Dr. Christian Meyer, Archivar der Stadt Augsburg. (The City Ledger of Augsburg, especially, the city law/regulation of 1276, according to original handwritten sources/documents published for the first time and elucidated by Christian Meyer, PhD., archivist of the city Augsburg.); (Augsburg; 1872); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/18/2020 ADD PAGE #