Feb. 19, 1274

“Mandate” issued by the City of Erfurt [Independent City of Erfurt; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are to give […] the minister […] six pounds ‘pennies’ of Erfurt currency on Saint Martin’s Day so-long a minister lives/exists there (‘quamdiu ibi plebanus existit’) […] when a Jew rents a farm or a house from a Christian, the Jew is to come to an agreement with the minister separate from/in addition to the community. If they cannot come to an agreement, the minister is to select two clerics, who together with the councilmen order a solution. […]”
Erfurt, Bistumsarchiv, St. Marien, Stift, Urkunde I/113, Orig., lat. (“Erfurt, Diocesan Archives, St. Marien, Stift, Document I/113, Orig[inal], Latin”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/15/2018 ADD PAGE #