Mar. 17, 1284

“Statutes from the Saint Pöltener Diocese Synod/Council” compiled under the authority of Bishop Gottfried of Passau [Prince-Bishopric of Passau; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Excommunication Of Christians Serving Jews: Since the Jews have long been prohibited to keep Christians servants (‘mancipia’)*, the ministers and other church leaders shall announce [give warning of] excommunicating [wet-]nurses and other servants of Jews on Sundays in places where Jews have settled. Also, a warning is to be given to Christians who invest their money with Jews or receive/accept usury/interests from them – like the Jews who lend their money for [the purpose of] of usury/interests.  […]” [Researcher’s note: *The broad meaning of ‘mancipia’ used here in the Latin text can imply a status of ‘bondage or slavery;’ however, in the present context, it is clearly used to mean ‘staff and servants.’]
Lilienfeld, Stiftsarchiv, Cod. 118, fol. 132v-138r, Abschr. (13. Jh.), lat.; (“Lilienfeld Stift Archive, Cod. 118, fol. 132v-138r, Copy (13th Cent.), Latin”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/2/2018 ADD PAGE #