May 9, 1287

“Royal Announcement” issued by Emperor Rudolf I [Present-day Germany]: “[… we transfer] all the Jewry – our chamber servants – in Thuringia, the Margrave of/and Meissen (‘universos judeos, nostre camere servos in partibus Thuringie, Marchie et misnensis’) [to be] under the protection and rule of the Archbishop Henry III, so that you (Jews) and everyone should serve and obey the Archbishop […] any rebel found among you […] let them know that they are arousing royal disapproval […] [in which case] the Archbishop may restrict such obstinacy with all the power of the kingdom [… and] all decisions and punishments over the rebels shall have the same [legal] power as if they had come from us. […]”
Würzburg, StA, Mainz Domkapital, Urkunde 1287 Mai 9, Orig., lat. (“Würzburg State Archive, Document of Mainz Cathedral Chapter 1287 May 9, Orig[inal], Latin”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/16/2018 ADD PAGE #