Mar. 18, 1291

“Official Letter/Document” issued by Archbishop Gerhard of Mainz [Present-day Germany; Archbishopric of Mainz]: “We, G[erhard], holy Archbishop of Mainz by the grace of God and Arch-Chancellor of Germany […] after these 11 years, the four [administrative positions] and the Jews of Erfurt are to be returned to us and the church of Mainz and this present document regarding the Jews shall have no longer any legal validity. […]” [Researcher’s note: In this long document, Archbishop Gerhard pawns off four major administrative offices in Erfurt and Brühl together with the Jews to Heinrich von Gotha and Walter Kerlinger for 1,000 Mark starting on Saint Martin’s Day for the duration of 11 years. It is noteworthy that Gerhard pawns off the same four administrative offices and the Jews to Rudolf von Nordhausen and Gottschalk von Schmidtstedt and the city of Erfurt for another 300 Mark less than four years later to take affect after the expiration of the aforementioned 11 years.]
Würzburg, StA, Erzstift Mainz, MU 3469, Orig., lat. (“Würzburg State Archive, Archbishopric of Mainz, MU 3469, Orig[inal], Latin”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/18/2018 ADD PAGE #