Dec. 13, 1292

“King’s Pledge” issued by King Adolf von Nassau [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[King Adolf of Nassau accepts Gottfried von Merenburg as a soldier in his royal castle (Reichsburgmannen) in Kalsmunt and promises him 200 Mark Cologne Coins (Kölnische Dinare) as payment for his services …] However, since we do not currently have this money ready we authorize the payment of 20 Mark income annually [to be submitted] by the Jews of Frankfurt […] to be paid each Christmas. […].”
UB zur Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt, Nr. 17, S. 6; (Certificate Book on the History of the Jews in Frankfurt, Nr. 17, p. 6”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shajdaani 4/5/2017